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to email us Sylvia Bromley died November 2007. 85 gears old. Sylvia and her four sisters were at the School. Kari Higgins: Would love to contact Lynda James she writes "I saw the note from Jennifer Gill James and it was nice to hear what shes done and that shes back in Cornwall. Sadly Ive lost touch with Lynda in Australia but would love to get in contact with Jennifer if she has e-mail or with Lynda if she uses it.I was over in Cornwall in February when sadly my mother died. But she made it to 92 years of age! But shes my last real contact with Cornwall so its really an end of an era!Alls well here in Mexico (Ajijic near Guadalajara). Sunshine every day and flowers year round. In the garden we have a big bunch of bananas busily ripening at the moment, lots of mangos and grapefruit too."
Pat Evans (Twohy) I am always delighted to receive my copy of the latest newsletter and felt that it was time I contributed, as a very old O.G. Some of my School memories 1936 - 1940 always hoping that there are still a few contemporaries who might be interested and share memories with me. On holiday in Penzance in 2005 I visited the School, met the Bursar, and was given a copy of the Centenary book. The photos are a delight and there I recognized my first headmistress, dear "Mac" - she was so kind and understanding when at the age of 12 I lost my father and three weeks later my grandmother. Also in that same photo were all the others - Miss Trusedale, Jolly, Battersby and several older girls and sitting in the front row, a few of my own contemporaries. During my time we had three heads - Miss Macpherson, Petrie, and Browning. I exchange Christmas cards with one class mate, Margaret Skerritt (Holgate) and read all Rosamunde Pilchers (Scot) books, her reference to Cornwall bring back so many memories. I remember when Aida Desta the shy, bewildered little Princess was brought to the school by her grandfather the Emperor Haile Selassi. He was a small, dark bearded figure in a massive purple cape and there was a ceremony when he planted a tree to commemorate his visit. Aida soon settled in and made a special friend of one very fair little girl - a perfect pair, one so dark and the other ash blonde. Leaving school in 1940 I joined the WAAF and served for four years as a Radar Operator. I see that Rosemunde was in the WRNS, I wonder if others of our vintage joined the Services? After the War, my mother and I left our home in Porthcurno and visited relatives in South Africa. There we stayed for seven years during which time I met and married John. Our old School Chaplain, the Vicar of St Levan, Rev. Lance Tonkin had emigrated to South Africa and when I asked him if he would come to Johannesburg to marry us, he agreed so it was a very happy and nostalgic ceremony. We returned to UK in 1954 and as my mother had kept our home in Porthcurno, for many years we spent every summer holiday there and my two sons have always loved Cornwall as I do. Now, as a grandmother, I look back on those School days and marvel at the Schools and girls of today - with all the technology, how very different life is. What would Mac have thought to see a schoolgirl sitting on a bus, no hat, wired up to the latest pip tunes, busy tapping on handheld mobile! It may sound odd now, but we managed with pan and paper !!! Happy days! Gloria Pascoe nee Roberts - Gosh were do I start! Happily married for 41 years, we have two daughters, 1 in Singapore and the other luckily at home as she has returned to Uni as a mature student - when she gets her degree will be off back to Oz - so it will be back to" Darby and Joan for us". We have lived in Yorkshire (13 years) have been back in Cornwall for 30 years now. We have our own business plus I keep Dobermans - used to breed but Judge extensively - including Crufts 2004. Recently met up with Vicky Gilbert and rekindled our friendship - great to be in touch again. Sylvia Clemens (nee Mildren) Retired, married with two children and two grandchildren and enjoying life in West Devon. Susan Castle (nee Harding) Retired, caring for my husband who suffers from Parkinson's. Enjoyed returning to School for AGM and there were several of my year - lovely surprise. Joan Trevenen (nee Davy Thomas) Still living at Ludgvan. Singing with Penzance Choral Society. Involved with fundraising for St Julia's Hospice at Hayle and working in the hospice as a volunteer. Our second great-granddaughter, Alis (Welsh for Alice) Emily, arrived in July - Retirement is such a busy life! Ann French nee Macy Married for 38 years to Mike with a daughter (with 2 granddaughters) and a son (with one grandson). Now retired and enjoying the opportunity to travel to distant countries. Helen Cleave Palmer Teaching instruments voluntarily in three schools. Teaching the learners of Amesbury Town Band, teaching Italian for students. Member of Salisbury-Xanten(Germany) Twinning Association. Elizabeth Heather (Margaret Brendon Cook) Living near Truro - retired. Very busy - 6 grandchildren (2 in Australia who need visiting). Travel as much as possible. In close touch with Judith Finch (Holmes). I find it most rewarding to still be closely connected with our "old" School, Bolitho. It really is thriving, especially the Senior School and now Sixth Form Centre - a visit is a must for all Old Girls! Brenda Coxen nee Ashowrth. Just celebrated own 45th Wedding Anniversary. Have one daughter (Susan) Tamsin who holds a 1st B. Ed (Maths) from Exeter and is Head of I T at Truro High School. Sue Baker nee Blake. When I left St Clares, I had a couple of years at Olive Wesleys, then worked for The Midland Bank for 5 years. Married in '66 - two children - now aged 38 and 36. I ran a preschool Nursery for 9 years - divorced in 1982 then returned to Banking for 15 years. Although officially retired I earn an honest crust making and painting papier mache fish. I moved out of Cornwall only 3 years ago to Dorset which I love. My (2nd) husband died 7 years ago - I am now foot loose and fancy free. Oh- and 4 gorgeous grandchildren! Maria Skirton nee Davey - On leaving school I trained as a beautician with Helena Robenstein whilst sharing a flat in London with four teachers, it's catching! John (an engineer) and I married in '64 and moved to Bristol where I trained as a teacher. John followed suit in '69. We first met Benjamin when he was 18 months and eventually adopted him, forty this year but no grandchildren, yet! I retired from my fourth Headship in Devon five years ago and we now run a B&B business in a barn that we converted. Find us on Diana Mason nee Drew. My husband and I retired after being in a guest House and Cafe business since 1960. Sadly, I was widowed in January 2007 after 47 years of marriage. My grandson Alex Norris is in Year 6 at the Bolitho which pleases me greatly. Grace Bradford nee Benney After leaving St Clares I worked mainly in the Falmouth area but lived at Trenethick, Helston. I continued to work and live in the Falmouth Area after marrying. I had three children, two boys and a girl, and three grandchildren. When my children left home to go to their Universities and College I ran a Guest House. I have been President of Falmouth W I. and Chairman of the Falmouth Floral Arrangement Society. I am living in a village near Truro at present with my son. Joanna Barbary Have retired to Penzance and am still doing up my 1970 dorma Bungalow into the second year of it now! Thoroughly enjoying my new old life. Angela Davey Thomas nee Treloar Still at Halzephron Inn and still singing and directing Opera/Musicals. Pat Edwards nee Gibbs A civil servant for many years. I am now working part-time before retiring in 2007. Currently living in Sheffield but will relocate to Nottingham on retirement. Two daughters, very proud of both. One is pediatrician and the other is currently carrying out research into M.S. Faith Jones nee Eva Resettled in Cornwall last year after over thirty years living in Essex. Retired from primary teaching, now spending time sorting out new house and garden at Sithney. Met up for an afternoon in July with Janet Rogers and Julia Goodland who was over from Australia. Elizabeth Hart. I ran a cake at Lizard Point (Wave Crest Cafe) for 38 years until I retired four years ago, having sold. I have a flat (in my own house) and a cottage which I let for Summer visitors. I have two German short haired Pointers that need long walks! Wendy Mitchell nee Simpson Still working part-time in family business. Enjoying grandchildren and expecting a new grandchild in November. Involved with Cornwall Keep Fit Association on Committee and going to classes; also Hayle Cancer Research UK. Swimming, gardening, walking and trying to train our Jack Russell "Jack"! Mary Zaaijer nee DenBakker After leaving School I went to live in Holland and France. I am married and have a son and a daughter. I am still running my own media business. Jennifer Bennetts nee Blamey Married, one daughter, two grandsons. On leaving school I went to Miss Wesleys Secretarial College, I had my first job as a Secretary/Receptionist at Slades of Hayle. Left after 6 years to have my daughter, returned to work after 2 years as an Auxiliary Nurse at St Michaels Hospital, Hayle for 4 years. Went back to Secretarial work, eventually worked as Managers Secretary/P.A. at St Ivel St Erth in 1978 until it closed in October 1997. Worked at Rowe Printers, Hayle as Secretary/Receptionist until 2000 when we bought a smallholding at Blackwater. At the moment we are building a new family home. As a hobby I rear Welsh free range pigs, grow an exhibit Dahlias and enjoy gardening and landscaping our new gardens etc. and floral art. Margaret Hutcherson nee Brierley Now retired from nursing following an accident, but working part-time as an invigilate for senior school exams. Just published first book. Jennifer Gill nee James Married Peter Gill, Cornishman reporter, in 1966 after qualifying as a registered nurse at St Georges Hospital London. Emigrated to Canada in 1967 where daughter was born. Returned to UK in 1970, 1st of 2 sons born in Birmingham in 1972, second son born in Basingstoke in 1974. He played rugby for Cornwall. Lives in Wales for almost 40 years where I developed a career in nursing and heath visiting. Returned to Cornwall in 2006 and semi retired. I have 3 grandsons. My sister Lynda also attended St Clares and now lived in Australia. She has three children. Eileen Jervis nee Nicholas Having left St clares I went to Hockeril teachers training college. Then taught in London for five years. Married Chris Jervis from Penzance and settled in Bristol where I taught at Clifton College Prep School for 18 years. I still go back there on supply. We had 3 children, Tristan, Perran and Tamsin. Two are married and we have 2 grandchildren. We are blessed as they both live in Bristol. The elder boy lives in in London. We have spent many a school summer holiday n one of my sister's (Jean) cottages in Ludgvan, and we go back to our beloved Cornwall frequently, often with all the family enjoying sailing - the beaches and of course the Minack Threatre. Eunace Joyce and myself having successfully organized 2 reunions of our year group and we hope to organize another one in Spring 2007. We also hope to see a good few at the AGM lunch 2006!. Sally Moon nee Truscott After St Clares went to London worked in Fashion for Harrods, Hardy Amies, Norman Hartnell and C Dior - retired from modeling and opened own Employment Agency in SW& London. Married farmer returned to Cornwall (5 years divorced). Married Doctor 6 children 25 years married, divorced (ran dried flower farm when married). Now run own holiday rental business no sign of retirement! Sheila Jackson nee Warren Married Roger 40 years, 3 children, 4 grandchildren - Went West to Sennen! Retired from work now have four holiday cottagess and a recycled husband (new hip)! Have been Chairman of the Association, this year organized our forms reunion. Pat Swinhoe-Standen I met two old school friends yesterday in London. Gloria Bax and Pamela Davies nee Allen. Its good to hear that all goes well with school. Helen Hill nee McLaren John and I are settle in Sussex. We have joined a dancing group also a holiday group and so far have been to Jersey, Isle of Man. We have also become "Age Concern" volunteers working two days a week in the old peoples coffee shop. We find the old people so very interesting - all some of them need is someone to talk to and listen to them. We still go to India each January to see all our friends and recharge our batteries for the hear ahead. Margaret Miles nee Pearce I was at St Clares from 1939 - 1951 and then worked at West Cornwall Hospital as Secretary to the Matron after a College Course in London. I immigrated to Toronto, Canada, in 1955 and have lived there ever since with a husband, five children and thirteen grandchildren. I have enjoyed reading about the girls and teachers I knew when I was at school - your newsletters are eagerly awaited. Deidre Watson nee Alley I married 35 years ago and have three children (2 boys and a girl) and now have a 2 yr. grand daughter and another due in January. My husband is a Doctor and Director of Public Health. I have not been back to Cornwall since I left school but we plan to do a trip to Devon and Cornwall next year. I keep in touch with Mary den Baker and went to stay with her before I was married. Lucille Porter nee Roberts. My Husband Tony was consecrated Bishop of Sherwood, hence our move to Nottingham. The other highlight of the year is that we became grandparents for the first time. Clare Feaver nee Harvey I am still living in Chichester and enjoy Cathedral Music. I also act as a Cathedral Guide which means I keep my Mediaeval History up to date. Jenny Finney nee Bell. I have two daughters both of whom attended St Clares and three grandchildren, the youngest of whom attends Bolitho School. After 30 years living overseas due to my husbands job we are happily retired in Marazion! Edith Morgan nee Snell I thoroughly enjoyed my years at St Clares - was a games enthusiast! Enjoyed so many matches and tournaments in Cornwall. Head Girls 1948/49. Then to Horrerton Collage, Cambridge for 3 years. Taught P.E. in Plymouth, then Tretherras School Newquay (when it opened in January 1954) where I met Dorothy Longman (she had come from St Clares). Attended her wedding at Christchurch in Sept '56. Married Jack Morgan in August'58. Had 2 children David and Jane, now have 5 grandchildren. Dorothy Sweet moved from Truro to Dorchester 2 years ago. Meeting up this Sunday for lunch! I have been widowed for 7 years.I was specially interested in the mention of Anne French (Macy) and wonder if it is the same Anne I knew ages ago. We both attended the same School, St Austell and started at St Clares in September '44. Anne left after two terms - Easter '45. We kept in touch for a while and I seem to recall she married some one in the States. Jennifer Jones nee Sawyer Married to Keith Jones, anesthetist at nearby Hospital. All three children "flown the next". Helen is a Senior Physiotherapist. Mark an engineer working with the Council and Simon Marine Engineer at present tutor at new Maritime Dept at Treinidad and Tobago University. Wendy Hall nee Cock Last October I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and feel better now after the wonderful care given at the Mermaid and Sunrise Centre at Treliske. Prunella Crisford nee Ridout-Evans. I must have one of the oldest connections with St Clares of anyone! My Mother was at the High School before it became St Clares. Her maiden name was Beatrice Hodges. My life has been busy. I married in 1947. I have had three children, and now have five Grandchildren. My husband and I retired to Somerset in 1977. I was widowed in 2000, but still live in Winsford and am as busy as ever. One day I might get to an AGM and hope to meet some of my old friends! Patricia Judge nee Richards Since the death of my husband last August - my old school friends from St Clares have given me so much support including Audrey Beare (Berriman), Jne Penberthy, Maureen Coombes, Tessa (Richards) Brown, Bara Cerr and Yvonne Mitchell. Marlene
Brown (nee Casley). I attended the School
of St. Clare from 1958-1965. I just browsed your website and it was so
much fun to see names and pictures I recognized (e.g., Sally Gibbons,
Miss Crankshaw, Mary Gilbert, Miss Ashford). I would love to receive your
newsletter and be informed about reunions. Diana Drew (Mason) Thanks for all interesting letters our grandson is starting there in September, so we shall obviously have lots of school events to attend! Carol Corin (nee Bonds) I attended St Clares from 1963 to 1969 having arrived in Cornwall from Northern Rhodesia, where I was born and had lived previously. After A Levels I went on to the Technical College at Camborne to do a post A Level secretarial course after which, in 1971, I worked in the Civil Service at Penzance County Court where I was a clerical officer and sat in court as judge's and registrar's clerk. In 1975 I married a local rugby star! Roger Corin. In 1978 I changed jobs and went to work for the Bristol & West Building Society as office manager of the St Ives branch but left towards the end of 1979 to have my first child, Graham. In 1981 I had my second son, Neil. In January 1983 we moved to Durban, South Africa, where we had a great time - a good social life because Roger was playing rugby for the Durban High School Old Boys club. However, in 1985 a state of emergency was declared because of the political situation and, in addition, the country was in recession, so we returned to St Ives and shortly afterwards started our own building business there. In 1989 I had another child, Jessica. Currently we still run our construction company. My oldest son, Graham, is a doctor based at Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske, Truro. Neil lives in Leicestershire where he is involved in the construction industry. Jessica has recently left Truro School after GCSEs and is doing A levels at Truro College. I regularly keep in touch with many old St Clare friends and meet up with some frequently. This year (2006) I have seen Annsara (nee Knifton), Ruth (nee Stevens) and often get together with Linda (nee Uren).Janet Barrett (nee Rogers) writes Julie Wheeler (nee Goodland) came back for a holiday from Australia. We spent the morning seeing Julie's home town of Camborne and then a walk around Tehidy Woods (Julie's mum had spent 8 years in the then sanitarium at Tehidy). After lunch we met Faith Jones (nee Eva) at her home near Helston, for a good natter, lots of do you remember and out came the photos to finish off a lovely reunion. Heather Norton (nee Stevens )I would be most interested in seeing old friends again so please ask them to get in touch. I married Derrick in 1968, we have 2 children - Russell and Sarah. They in turn have produced three grandchildren two boys and a girl. We have lived in Chippenham in Wiltshire since 1974, though not always in the same house. I still have relations in West Cornwall and go down to visit them about twice a year. News from 2008 - 2009 click here Click here to go to friendsreunited web site Home Page : Association News : School News : Old Girls News : Reunions Photos Designed and maintained by W Wallis : |