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- Ivy Mc George wrote to say that Val Burt (nee (Clarl) died on Boxing Day 2018. She recently met Jenny Bray at a London Cornish lunch. Having been a member since the sixties, it was the first time she had met someone from St Clares! NEWS from Members during 2015-2016 Sue Harding Thank you for the information about the safety of the historic items of the school. It is sad to hear that the statue of St Clare has not fared too well but, hopefully, if enough of us contribute to any restoration costs perhaps she can again look as good as she used to! Let me know if, or when, you need some funding and I will send something. There used to be a framed photograph of the pupils and staff (circa 1936) hanging in the library; our two older sisters, Joan and Anne Harding, were in that photo aged about 10 and 8 years old! They were only at St Clare's briefly probably due to the war and completed their schooling in London at St Paul's Girls' School. For your records our sister, Joan (Newton nee Harding), passed away on the 26 April 2016 aged 90 years! Her birthday was actually on Christmas day but her youngest daughter, Sally, who looked after her, arranged a party for her in January and 65 out of 70 people invited were able to be there! Joan thoroughly enjoyed herself; most of the guests were family - Gillian and I managed to be there for the weekend together with Joan's children, some of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Also cousins (one from Tokyo!) And Gill's son and family and our son, Paul, together with some of Joan's other nephews and nieces and greats! It was the biggest family party any of us had attended I think! I was only able to be there because our daughter, Donna, came to look after her dad that weekend. It was a really memorable weekend and one I am so glad I didn't have to miss; I knew it was likely to be the last time I saw Joan and I hadn't seen her for about six and a half years. It's good to look back on and I met some of the younger members of the family and spouses of some members for the first time! Great-great nephews and nieces! Our sister Anne (Gibson) sadly died in May 1989 aged 61 years finally succumbing to a form of cancer she had been battling for about six years. It was lovely to see you all in September. I had a reply to an email I sent to Margaret (nee Ledger) and I hope to meet up with her and her sister, Jan, for coffee here in Plymouth sometime soon; they have been away on holiday abroad for a couple of weeks. When I last spoke to my sister, Gillian (Cleaver), she asked me if I had heard any news of Marilyn Tsan, they were good friends but have lost touch now. Have you had any contact with Marilyn in recent years? Tribute
to "Crankie" from her Nephew - TRIBUTE TO LILY BULCOCK (nee
Lily Crankshaw) 11th August 1919 - 20th March 2016 Margaret
Ledger (Ledge) 1947 - 1955. Those were such happy years and I enjoyed
especially the sports side, especially as it was at a tennis match against
the boy's county school that I met my future husband, Beverly Batten.
We had 5 daughters and lived for a spell in Nigeria and British Columbia
where Bev taught. After 11 very happy years he was killed in Nigeria;
I have chosen to stay single, supported by my amazing family. I remember
Edith Snell who was my house captain - St Ia - Gloria Savage, Beth Colliver
and many others who seemed so adult to a new girl. A big thank you to
all who keep the spirit of S.S.C. alive. I now live near Exeter in a very
lively village and keep in touch with two or three friends. Best wishes
to all, Ledge email Sue Hutchinson:-Wendy ..Good Evening ....Thankyou so much for the invitation to the Lunch...but unfortunately ....I will not beable to attend. I really do hope to get back to Penzance ONE day!....I do not know the latest news of the School ....but think that a Parent had purchased the School ...and it was continuing to run ?...Please let me know ...I was a Boarder at School from Jan. 1955...until (I think ! ) 1962. I was in Lower VIth when Angela Treloar was in Upper VIth....My sister Cynthia was also in the same Form as Angela. After we had left in the Summer term of 1962...(I did only one year in the Sixth form )...we had all arranged to come back down to Cornwall and meet up at Angela's place at Praa Sands......and had rather a riotous time....!! Do ..please remind Angela of all this ..I am not now in touch with her ......but in touch with many of her friends in the same form..namely ....Vangi Roberts (now Wilson ) lives only approx 12 miles from me ...just had pics and e mail from her yesterday !.....They have been on a ..'Round the World Trip'...!Veronica Sturgess ...( nickname ..Stink..isn't that awful !!)...anyway ...she lives approx 20 miles away ..)Pamela Cole ....her Father worked in Tunis when they were at School ...and the most ghastly thing happened ....her younger sister (who was at School with us...) ...died of Leukemia..(spelling ??)....whilst they were at School...Jackie Duncan.....she went riding in Carbis Bay every week with my sister.....they were actually allowed to get the bus from the bottom of the road !!..Jackie had a super older brother ...and every time he came to see her ...We went Nutty .seeing this gawjus chap !!!!....( we were then at Tredarvah...for sleeping .do you know that house ??.)....I think from about 5B.....we all had to walk down every eve... in a 'Croc' this place ...which was prob about 10/15 mins from School....Just WISH I could rem the name of the 'Matron' at Tred....but the one thing I remember was that she allowed us to have all the doors of our 'Dorms Open.....for the LAST night of the PROMS.... and I must say ..we all ADORED ir t... people with whom I am in touch ...but not seen for ages .Wendy Lombard my form ...she now lives in Padstow.......her husband ,,( who has Died ....) was Coxswain of the Padstow Lifeboat...and her son is now the Chief Mechanic.....Jill Blackham...lives near Chichester ...and is helping with a Charity and drives to somewhere in Eastern Europe and distributes all their goods...Pip Humphries ....lives in New Zealand.....and am frequently in touch with her via e mail....Sarah Scott....(one form lower than me...)....lives around the Torbay area...Think she is Nursing ....only chat on the phone....I think that the most ghastly thing happened to her ...that her daughter was killed in some horrible accident ...when she had just had a baby....and so Sarah has brought up this child ...I will check that Wendy......but am certain that was so.`Wendy MUST send...Sorry to go ON...but just thought you may need this info...I would ADORE it if you publish my e mail address on your Site....and then ..anyone who remembers me ..can get in touch with me ...that would be fanatastic Hazel
Putwain - at St Clares from 1957 to 1961. My maiden name was Putwain
and I was a day girl living in Marazion. I now live in Caversham, Reading
. I left St Clares when I was 15 to go to CamborneTec as it was then known
to do a pre-nursing course. I went on to train at The RoyaI Berkshire
Hospital in Reading , met my husband and have lived here ever since.I
would love to come to the A.G.M but I am a honey judge and busy every
Saturday in September.I love looking at the website and seeing the photos
of everyone although the only person I recognise is Angela Treloar . I
was friendly with a farmers daughters Jean Tilly and Sally Hoskings, also
Augustus Johns granddaughter Sara Johns and Annett Isherwood . I wonder
what happened to them?
2014-15 Suzanne
(Richards) nee Roach - Looking for Eddie Culverhouse,
Olivia Collins, Elaine Bull - I was a weekly boarder around 1960
- 1966, I remember my time at St Clare's with fond memories, the wonderful
friends I had at the time, my favourite teacher Miss Crankshaw her wonderful
story telling; Miss Johns / Miss Harvey were the Heads then. Sadly I have
lost touch with the girls in my year, reading though some of the stories
have made me think back to my time there, the fun after lights out in
the dormitories, tuck boxes and the excitement of getting a letter or
even enter a parcel. Not so great the bloosh block! I wonder if you have
heard from Eddie Culverhouse, Olivia Collins, Elaine Bull who were in
my year? Hilary
Jarvis now Terrey -
I was at school from 1960 to 1968. I am so sorry to hear the school is
closing. I have very fond memories of school. Yes I remember Cranky. She
had a red mini with the registration RBN. We used to say Roaring By Night
and didn't she put the fear of God in us sometimes! Does anyone remember
Johnny or Sister Ody or Miss Blyton? Me well I became a teacher! I married
and have lived on the Isle of Wight since 1974. I was Head of 6th form
and teaching Sciences but I had to retire in2009 due to ill health. I
now make and sell children's clothes. The grandchildren got me started
on that and I really enjoy it. Mrs Sandie Cummins (nee Goddard): I was very saddened to hear about the closure of my old school of St Clare. I attended between the years 1967 - 1972. I was a boarder coming from the Isles of Scilly. Miss Harvey was the head and I remember being taught by Mrs Nick and Mrs Vosper other names escape me. My classmates were Maddy Pike, Mandy Harvey, Angharad Rees, Mary ? (head girl ) Gini Sheffield, Jackie Williams, Clare Tregenza and Carol Read amongst many others. I left to train as a Medical Laboratory Scientist at Guys Hospital in London, where after 4 years I married John and we left England for Australia. We spent 6 wonderful years in the sunshine, returning to England in 1982 to settle here in Dorset.We have 2 lovely daughters and 3 grandchildren with another due in March.I work as a school science technician in a local Foundation school which uses an old manor house as the main building - it really reminds me of St Clares. We have approximately 1300 pupils from 11 - 18years. I am really looking forward to retirement in 3 years time.Please pass on my best wishes to anyone who might remember me. Thank you, Wendy, for the sad announcement of decision to close Bolitho School. I spent a few years teaching there now quite a long time ago but have kept in touch with some former pupils and a few more recent ones - all will be saddened to think of the end of School of St. Clare, Penzance, later Bolitho.As I am now over 90 years of age, I will not be joining the Alumni but wish them well. Dorothy Sweet, in Dorchester. That is so sad about the Bolitho School. I thought they had about 400 students. I wonder if they offered too many programmes.I remember when I was there there was a time when they thought they would have to close it,but the parents came forward and paid more tuition. I am so glad I was able to meet you. THE BUILDING must cost a fortune to heat, maintain and the grounds to look after.I wonder if thy will make it into a Retirement Home Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love Anne Thanks
for sending this very sad news. I heard it on Friday afternoon when the
school emailed the pupils's parents, but I appreciate your usual efficiency
in notifying the Old Girls. I have only happy memories of my time at St.
Clare's, and both my grandchildren have also enjoyed the experience, and
thrived, not just academically, but also in the lovely atmosphere of the
whole place. Sadly, times change--I think we were the lucky ones.Thanks
again for all your time and effort spent on or behalf Diana Wow! Thats rather sad. Very sorry to hear it. What will happen to the alumni association? How
sad but inevitable I suppose in this economic climate. I remember my school
days with VERY many happy memories. Really sorry to hear that! Patience My current circumstances as full time carer for my husband, Don, who is now in the advance stages of Parkinson's Disease, means I have less and less time for things outside his care and the running of the house and all that goes with that. Therefore, I have been unable to keep up regular contact with the school and support as I would have liked.I know how hard you have all worked to keep things going and I am so very sorry that after all the time and effort and everything that is involved in running a successful institution such as the Bolitho has failed (no, I am not going to say failed) because for the years that Bolitho has been operating it has been very successful. Nevertheless, it is sad that it can no longer operate as a successful and viable learning establishment and it's closure in July next year will be a sad day for us all.With love and best wishes to you all and a big thank you for all your efforts and hard work in running things and keeping us in touch with events.Sue Castle (Harding) Wendy this is so sad.... I cannot believe it. Is there any chance do you think of it being bought up by another company? I have put it on Facebook for anyone interested... sue This is appalling news! It really is very distressing and I wish I could do something. Kristina Thanks Wendy how very sad end of an era. It was to be expected when you think of the attendance when we were there. did you get my post card? We were only talking about you yesterday and wondering how the renovations are going on? Was lovely to see you both, you are so hard working the pair of you admire you so much.Have a super Christmas and Happy,Healthy New Year. Tamsin's baby due middle April so excited for them. Loads of Love Sally and Bill Anne Carter : I did send you some stories a couple of years ago. During the war we had American soldiers in Penzance for sometime. They left just before D. Day. Some were billeted in private houses,but a lot lived in a train opposite where I lived at Chy-an-dour. They went to the Chy-an-dour barracks for meals . They had jeeps with names of girls on the jeeps and I remember us Day Girls seeing how many names we could get before we went to school.When the war broke out I remember going into an Anderson shelter which was where the tennis court was. We did not have too many day raids so I hardly went in it. Ann
Wells nee Blewett
- Hi another successful AGM. Looking at some of the photos was the Diana
with Angela formely Drew from St. Ives? If so she & I played doubles
in the tennis team. The other photo of Pippa & Tessa. Is Tessa formely
Brown from Helston. We were very friendly at school. I can remember dancing
with her in the Flora dance at 7.30am through the streets of Helston.
Sadly my husband Ron died 8 weeks ago so I have not had much time to do
anything very much except fill in forms.Good Luck to you all Ann Sue
Hutchinson ...(nee Lucy) I was at SSC
from Jan 1955 until about name Sue Lucy (nickname Titch)!!I
receive news of the Assn. from Pip Humphries (Todhunter ) now lives in
N.Z.I have just rec'd news of your latest Meeting (from Pip) Anne
will be thinking of you to-morow at your Annual Meeting at the Bolitho
School when I came over will never forget how nice it was to met you.
I have been away and went to the Finger Lakes in New York State and Prince
Edward Island both lovely places. Liz
Le Grice {nee Mumford}- I
was wondering whether anyone has contact details for Olivia ? Suzanne
Roach who was in our year would like to get in touch with her. Keziah
Mcbeath(Patrick) Apart from the brown envelopes which I was always
given to take home to my father which always made me sad and worried I
would have to leave I have more good memories than scary ones,well apart
from Mrs Gridley my French teacher.ha ha.(Dont read that bit out if she
is there.) I loved going to chapel every morning and I think that grounded
me and now im in the Military Wives Choir. I was always so proud walking
through the town to St Mary's church in my uniform to carol concert.Sports
day,playing tennis,the school photos that always took forever and the
outside freezing cold swimming pool are only some of my good memories.Thank
you Mr Halford for a wonderful time at your school. X. . Cassie Mary Flint Hi I left Penzance Girls Grammar in 1970 when Miss Milton was the head. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me - was Cassie Levine then :) Leni Christoforides Does anyone have any school photographs from 1971-1976??? Sophi Gartside nee Dowrick who was at School approx 1978-1983 . Sophi writes "loved it there and it was a great time very eventful we were a big class and randomly I know work at Bolitho school and love it there . Would love to hear from anyone. Have heard from Pollyanna would love to hear from others Demelza, Tessa Snell, Lisa, Anna , Helen and Helen , Melissa, Polly , Nat , Sarah Hartman,Sarah Carter, Kirsten? Morgen, I have missed loads Vanessa Amanda ??heres hoping xx Fiona Hayward now Cole would like to contact with some old school mates! Fiona was at SC from 1972-1979.Friends with Jane Powning. Please send an email to and I will forward all emails onto Fiona. Gill Cattroll nee Sharp"Looking for class mates from 1974 to 1980 both bording and day girl". Clare
Thompson, nee Hinton Still
happily living in Orange , N.S.W., Australia . Retired several years ago
from nursing and now able to spend more time visiting my son in Queensland
and my daughter in Bondi Beach...+ five grandchildren . Remember with
pleasure the friends in my class and dorms -- Sara Dixon, Cordelia Briscoe
, Julia Mawditt, Bryar Stower, Sue Press , Sue Gibbons ,Maggie Grigg ,
Sally Hoskins to name a few . Many happy memories . Fiona Hayward now Cole would like to contact with some old school mates! Fiona was at SC from 1972-1979.Friends with Jane Powning. Please send an email to and I will forward all emails onto Fiona. Jennifer Bracht - I have to report to you that my sister, Sheila Matthews nee Tyler Street, died last week at the age of 85, in Saltash, Cornwall. I don`t think that too many people would remember her, but I think she was in the same form as Gloria Bax. My other sister, Pat Grime nee Tyler Street, lives in New Polzeath. Both sisters are ex. St. Clare`s.... and my brother and family live in Mullion. And, I am far away in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany... but I do try to get to Cornwall once a year. Keep up the good work. It is always good to hear the news..
Wells, nee Blewett I left St. Clare's
in July 1954, with great sadness ,so I must have missed you by 2months.
I went to Anstey P.E. college for three years and then moved to Reading
in Berkshire, where we have lived ever since.I have worked in several
schools here, the last one for 22 years, a large difficult comprehensive,
where I was very happy. I was very fortunate as I was able to work my
way through the ranks to become Deputy Head ( Pastoral). A huge challenge
but thanks to my good grounding at St. Clare's I managed to survive!We
have been happily married for 55 years, have a son and a daughter and
5 granddaughters. My most vivid memory was when Miss Blight caught me
eating fish & chips, in my school uniform, in the main street of Penzance.
I ran, she chased me,(I could run really fast then, so could she! ) I
ran up the steep stairs of a café near the station, she waited
at the bottom! The next morning I had to stand up in front of the whole
school and be told off. Fish & chips in newspaper, tastes even better
now! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the committee
for their hard work and wish the Association a long future. I have found
your reports most interesting, especially the news of past pupils &
teachers. Susan
Wilson nee Mann Thanks for your E Mail with St Clares news etc.
I can understand your frustration if noone offers to hold office within
the Alumni Association (have been in that situation myself!) From a purely
selfish point of view I think it would be a shame for the Alumni to cease.
Loraine Price-Roberts (nee Turner) and had a sister Michele. They were from Kenya along with the Muir family. Around 1970-1972. Loraine got in touch and was at school around 1970.
Shelagh Lord nee Smith Many thanks for your newsletter.I have been on the website and it looks as though everyone had a good time in London.I was at school from 1947 to 58 and thoroughly enjoyed it, would really love to come down in September for the open day but we are down in Cornwall in August so am not sure that I will be able to make it.I got married in 1966 and have lived in Cheshire since 1971, thought it would only be for two years but hey ho 40 years on we are still here. We have three daughters, one went to live in New Zealand six years ago and we have visited her twice, but my husband has had two heart attacks so we probably won't do long haul again, and we have four granddaughters who all live near us, the eldest two are 14 and 12 and the youngest two are 6 and 4. I try to keep active, I have recently taken up crown green bowling and also do line dancing and am part of a walking group - not long walks! I am so pleased that the Bolitho School is still going strong, long may it continue. Margaret Wigman nee Lawrey from Australia Thank you for sending me the Bolitho news I am always interested in school news and anything about the rest of Cornwall. My nieces and I keep in touch and all their news is about the awful summer you are having, such a lot of rain. Talking of rain it can certainly rain here really heavy down pours. We have been flooded twice and have had to put in some outside drains. We have another six or so weeks of the winter to go. It does get cold here but luckily we have a wood burning fire and that keeps us warm. It is winter now but we have flowers in the garden all the time. I have single and double camellias gardenias and my magnolia tree is just coming into flower. It is very confusing having what I think of as spring flowers blooming in winter!! I have even seen Freesias flowering on the side of the road!!! We have settled in the lovely Matcham valley . It is country but only fifteen minutes from a large shopping mall. We looked after Allison and Ians two dogs while they went on holiday and they are still with us!! I do miss my Danny so very much. He was the German shepherd dog that we brought back from South Africa with us. Unfortunately he was too old to bring with us. I think that is all my news for now. News from Members during 2011 - 2012 Ann
Harris Boxing Day, 2011,A quiet day at our house with time to reflect
on a very unexpected year. We seemed to be going along as usual until
June when Martin went to the doctor to complain about indigestion and
came home with six bypasses, mitral valve repair and a pacemaker! His
recovery had several setbacks with three more trips to the ICU and he
added some stents to his hardware collection. Thankfully he has steadily
improved and we are ending the year hoping that he will have a great year
in 2012. Jocelyn
Munro. I was at St Clares from 1958 to 1963, as a boarder. I remember
a number of people, including Crankie and .Miss Ashworth,
as I was mad about sport.I was with Sally Lakeman, Jenny Hambley, Daphne
Dower, Carol Copplestone, Susan Hall, Sue Harrison, Ginnie Rudorf, Sally
Gibbons, Terry Cushing amongst others.I went to PE College then came up
to Edinburgh to work, initially teaching, then into Special Needs, with
Physios. I married in 1969, have a son & daughter. The latter has
provided us with 3 grand children.Best wishes to all who remember me Jocelyn
Ness ( nee Munro) Anne
Foster Carter - You asked me ages ago if I had any stories about School.
First Miss Blight was a govenerness to me and five other little girls
.This would be about 1935-1937. I think I was the only one that went on
to St. Clares but I may be wrong.I am also muddled because I think I went
into first form which was the big room next to the Diningroom which is
the library now.I remember going into second form and Miss Blight teaching
me again!! Jane
Bickerstaffe, nee Atkins Thanks so much for the newsletter. I recognised
a number of names and my sister, Carole, who was in the same class as
Patience Gunter but no one from my class (1963-1969) and I've sadly lost
touch. If anyone from that class is around I'd love to hear from them.
I'm married (just clocked up 40 years) with a son and a daughter and live
in Reading. I work for a research organisation covering environmental
and social aspects of packaging - that means I'm a garbologist! Kind regards News from members during 2010 - 2011
Christine Bulcock or Miss Crankshaw (Cranky) as she was affectionately known by the pupils - news from her nephew January 2011 On reading Lily's Christmas cards and messages to her this week, I was conscious that several have been sent by friends who may not be fully up to date with her present situation. What follows is an attempt to put you in the picture, and I ask for the understanding of those who are already aware of her situation. For the sake of simplicity, may I refer to my aunt as "Lily"? This is the only first name on her delightfully ancient birth certificate dated 1919 - though I am aware that "Christine" crept in somewhere around her Oxford days (if anyone can enlighten me further, please do so!). Lily's current address is : Bankhouse Nursing Home, Shard Road, Hambleton, Nr Blackpool, Lancashire, FY6 9BX.Telephone : 01253 701635 It would probably be slightly more reliable if any messages for Lily were sent to me here in York for me to read to her on one of my regular visits - but, as I say, I collected her various cards in the Home and read them to her. Your choice.My wife Anne and I visited Lily this week. You will appreciate that Lily's nursing-home is situated almost 100 miles from York, which is a significant journey for us. After her fall (23rd July 2008) we did look around some possibilities in York, but Lily had always wanted to go into Bankhouse Nursing Home (on the Fylde, and just 3 miles from her last residence, and also where her late husband Wilf spent his final months). All things being relative, she is as content as she could be in Bankhouse, and we confirm that her choice was right because of the quality of the care which she receives (and would we have ever been forgiven if we had got it wrong?!). We are very pleased with the place, and on a fine balance, the sacrifice we make with the travelling is worth it. Also, there are several of Lily's friends for whom the Fylde is probably more convenient than York. As you may have heard, Lily is now but a shadow of her former energetic self, seemingly confined for the past twelve months to a chair in her room. Before that she would be a regular visitor to more convivial parts of the Home (before occasionally being ejected for rowdy/argumentative behaviour!). She would particularly enjoy taking the regular chair of one equally ferocious elderly gentleman, and they were both given a dressing-down on one occasion (and some lines to write?!). But please do not get the wrong impression : she is a popular figure in the Home, and much respected by her many Carers. There is a gentleness, kindness and sheer big-heartedness in Lily which we all know, and these qualities again shone through her tortured exterior (and often fumbling thoughts) when today she instructed Anne and me to take care on our journey and not to worry about her. The dementia is severe, but after many distressing weeks of experimenting with medication ( a period which those of us visiting her found very difficult), about four months ago she began to come right again, and although we are not always sure that she recognises us, we can sometimes get into a train of thought with her which can be rewarding. And today she certainly gave us nods and a sense of understanding when we read cards and letters to her, and she was still quick, certainly, ladies and former pupils, with your maiden and married names! Lily's quality of life is poor, and I wish I could say otherwise. Near-blindness and some deafness are severe problems for a person of her intellect. Much of her vigour left her after that fall of nearly three years ago, and the hopes that she would recover sufficiently to become independent again have now gone. That she gives some joy to her Nurses and Carers is appreciated, and the Respect we all have for her continues to be fully justified. Life is hard for her at the moment, but she is in the best of hands - and she certainly knows and understands this. Your kind cards and words are very much appreciated : she listened and was clearly moved. Thank you. John Bulcock 14th January 2011 Sheila Jackson, nee Warren. Sheila lost her fight against cancer on 11 August 2010. Sheila was our Chairman for many years and our thoughts go out to her family.Sheila was a stalwart of the Alumni as a committee member and will be missed immensely but remembered with fondness. Sheila Jackson is not the sort of person to back down from a challenge, but the one that presented itself in January 2009 was not the sort of challenge any of us really want to face. Breast cancer was diagnosed, but hey, she thought that she would turn a negative into a positive! Sheila decided that she would like to do a charity ride to raise funds for the Mermaid Centre at Treliske in Truro. A decision that was no light undertaking. Sheila is not only a mother, she is also a grandmother, and though she has bred horses, she has not ridden since she was a child. Over £2,000 was raised for the Mermaid Centre.What an inspiration to us all. Ruth TSUI I am an ex-stduent fom Hong Kong studied at St. Clare School between 1997 (upper 3) and 1983 (upper 6). I would very much like to get in touch with students from my class or any staff / girls who can still remember me.I would particularly like to have contact with my old dormate Petrina Mabbott who later moved on to the U.S.A. Her younger sister Carloyn Mabbott also studied at St. Clare. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Mary Nowell, nee Ceber As a nearly 82 year "old girl" I was greatly heartened by the news regarding the Bolitho School finances, especially as I was one who had made a small investment in it and lost the money! Although I was only a pupil at St Clares for 18 months 1945-46, I have happy memories of my time there, a lot learnt, and many friends made, especially Anne Haydon with whom I have been friends ever since, until sadly, she died in June 2009. I do not know Ruth (Stephens) - mentioned in Class 69 - but I do know of their very pupular hotel at Dittisham and have enjoyed a meal there - a long time ago. My days go back to Miss Hudson's time. I have been widowed for nineteen years but have a very supportive family. My five grandchildren are all doing well and have graduated two in America (where my son's family live) and my eldest grandson from St Albans, married last year. He is a very dedicated worker with Youth for Christ. Best wishes to you all. Vivien Slack, nee Wingfield I have 3 daughters and 9 grandchildren with one due in January. My husband, Phil, has two daughters and 6 grandchildren. Christmas is an expensive time! Kate
Allpress (nee O'Malley)'83 - '88 It would be great to hear news of
any contemporaries - it was fantastic to see Rosalynd Thompson's entry
(she was in my class) and would love to get in touch with her if possible.
I am now married with one child - Daniel (aged 2) and enjoying spending
time with him at home. I visited the school while on holiday a couple
of years ago and it brought back a lot of happy memories - I enjoyed my
time there, as did my mother (Rosemary Matthews) and aunty (Miranda Matthews)
before me!! Margaret Wigman nee Lawrey - I will be moving to Australia next year to be near my daughter. Rosemary
Skirton, nee Hall I was only at St Clares from 5 to 11, (abt 1951-62)
so some of my memories are a bit hazy! I was the same year as Sally Lakeman,Denise
Lawry (a distant relative) Susan Hall (no relation) Caroline Harvey, and
Heather Stevens who were the main ones that I was pals with and kept in
touch with even when I moved onto the Grammar School. My mother had spent
all her school years at St Clares and if you think she is now 95, (and
very well) that is quite a while ago. My elder sister Valerie was also
there again from 5 to 11. (abt 1946-58) My mother now lives in a flat
in Truro, my sister is also in Truro (married with one daughter and one
grandson). I live just outside Truro also married, retired and have two
sons (unmarried so far aged 28 and 31) who are in London and Henley.
White Smith (Formerly Williams & Robinson.)First of all abject
apologies for not keeping you up to date!! Everytime the Newsletter arrives
I devour it eagerly and intend to write to you As I wanted to write a
lot it has been put in my pending tray awaiting a good chunk of time to
put you in the picture. That time seems never to have materialised and
I really am sorry. Patience
Cooper nee Gunther Thank you for the Bolitho/St Clare Alumni newsletter
and invitation to the AGM. My essential details have stayed the same although
I am starting to move my E-Mails to have
only made it down to the AGM once, 24 years ago when our eldest son was
a baby. I do intend to do so again but cannot understand how the time
flies and I keep prebooking myself. I will be in Nice at a Congress of
Vets this year.I am lucky enough to be healthy and active. I ran the London
Marathon again this year and raised over £800 for Diabetes UK. I
will be running the Beachy Head marathon in October, slowly, just for
fun, and am then off to Verbier in January to do a three month "GAP"
course with the Warren Smith Ski Academy to train to be a ski instructor.
Call it my mid (or even late) life crisis! Our younger son David did it
in his Gap year and let slip that there were older people on the course.
We didn't do Gap years when I left St Clare's in 1971 but hey - it's never
too late. I am lucky to have an understanding husband and be self employed
so I can take the time. I think my attitude to sport was greatly influenced
by Mrs Nichols who taught all sports across the board and made them fun.
I still play tennis using the backhand grip she taught me (much to my
coach's despair) and have come back to Athletics in my 50's taking part
in veteran matches doing anything for a point for the team - running sprints/distance,
throwing javelin,discus,shot & even (very nervously) hammer and this
year have had a go at Triple Jump - Thank you Mrs Nick!Really pleased
to see Jane Melling's update. I am hoping though her to get in touch with
her sister Susan, who was in our year. I liked the reunion report on the
class of 69. Perhaps we could try for a class of 71 next year. I know
Shana Simpson and Elizabeth Eva are active with the association and have
been better than me at keeping in touch. I also am in contact with Carol
Trebucq (Atkin), Cynthia Lambert (Jarvis) and Angela Wills (Withers).Thank
you for all that you do to hold the Alumni together. I really appreciate
news of St C's. Jennie George here (nee Hambly - St. Clare 1958 -1962) Just received notification of AGM on Saturday 25th September next, however I shall be on holiday at that time so obviously not able to attend. Please note my new e-mail address. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me - does anyone know the whereabouts of Elizabeth Day? To those who don't know my present circumstances, I was married in 1968 to Colin and after almost 43 years we are still together!! We have two children, a son Jason who is 40 and a partner in an estate agency business in Wadebridge and a daughter Melanie who is a receptionist at a chiropractic clinic in Bodmin. We are both retired now, have three wonderful grandchildren and enjoy our time looking after them when required, and travelling the world as much as we can. Off to the Holy Land in September, hence non attendance at AGM. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Jennie
NEWS FROM 2009-2010
Catherall nee Penrose. I was a pupil at the school between 1975 to
1983 is there anyone who attened the school around those dates who possibly
remembers me I am trying to get in touch with old school friends |I have
found some on friends reunited and also through Facebook.I am now caleed
Vanessa Catherall but was Penrose when at school Jinny Penneck Bless you for your thoughtful e-mail - I am SO pleased to hear the school has been 'saved' especially after the head's upbeat talk at the AGM in September last. Keep producing the up-date e-mails & a very happy new year to you. Dorothy
Sweet formerly Longman and
on teaching staff of 'St.Clare's' in the 1950's. Thank you for your most
recent and very welcome email. I had discussed on Sunday with a 'very'
old girl of former St. Clare's the happy news that Bolitho school was
to continue and we both hope that the financial troubles can be overcome
for the future. We would also like to thank you, Elizabeth and the Alumni
for helping in the process. I am going to send by mail a copy of your
email to my friend and trust I will hear news as it breaks. We are both
retired teachers and therefore take a great interest in affairs.affecting
school children. Best wishes to the future of Bolitho School. GHOST
AT THE SCHOOL? Wonderful
news the School is to open in January under new ownership and in the nick
of time. I think the ghost of Willie Bolitho would have turned in his
grave at the demise of his hauntings. We believed that he haunted the
small inner dorm at the far end of the first floor, (opposite end to Miss
Johns corridor/suite. ) (1955 - 60). Did anyone else 'see' him? I hated
that room. I think i must have had a vivid imagination. Wishing you all
a Happy New Year
Hutcherson Angela Angus nee Williams : I have been following th e news re the administration of the school and although I did not think I would be so concerned I found I was!! So I am glad to know the first hurdle is over and maybe one day I will creep back to a reunion. I was there in the 60s and was in a class with Sally Wakeham and the then Wendy Hall. I am still nursing and have 6 gorgeous grandchildren and so far the same lovely husband! Hoipe all goes well, will keep in touch. Jane
Price nee Carkeek
A year ago I thought it would be a good idea to try and reunite some of
our class - 'The Class of 69'. With help from Carol (Bonds) who has kept
in touch with many of our class and hours spent on the internet I tracked
down 29 of the 34+ girls who had at some time been in our class. Many
sent me news for my newsletter with their contact address so we can keep
in touch. Should I have missed anyone and they would like contact details
or news please contact me at
Sue Jennings neeOwen-Jones I visited my sister Jill in America twice this year, once in February and then again in May for her yougest daughter's wedding. My son has a son agred 2 and my yuungest daughter has a daughter of 1. My eldest daughter has 3 children so the next generation marches on! Best wishes to you all. Jane Hofmann-Thomson nee Melling So many names on the website that I remember and have fond memories of from my wonderful years 1957 to 1968 at St Clares!!Miss Crankshaw, wow, if she can make it we can!!I live in Dubai, am married now to Malcolm Thomson (half Scottish and half Dutch! We met 9 years ago here in Dubai). I have a daughter from a former marriage called Stephanie in London, part time International HR masters degree and looking for a job at the present time in the present circumstances!!! (24 years old) and two step daughters 26 and 24 years old Rebecca and Laura (in Abu Dhabi working at British embassy ex Durham Uni) and Dubai (working Dubai in luxury marketing ex York Uni). After leaving St Clares under a self imposed cloud!!!! I went to London to seek my fortune worked for the Evening Standard, Vogue Magasine (great time 7 years as Travel Promotion Manager, traveled the world) and The Guardian (BD Manager). My first husband passed away very young and I moved to Spain, Italy, Greece, then on to Germany and eventually to Muscat , Oman and Dubai, UAE and have been in the Middle East for the past 20 years. I was a Jazzercise teacher for 11 years in Oman 1988 to 1999 and ran a spa and opened a restaurant and am now (1999 2009) helping run a business in Dubai, UAE for entrepreneurs and larger businesses from all over the world to set up in the ME. Jack of all trades!I have two small villas (self built and maintained on the island of Corfu Greece in Paleocastritsa) I rent them out on property 53648 if anyone fancies a break! My international contact number is 0097150 6515281( or ) if anyone is interested in coming to Dubai, UAE or Corfu, Greece let me know.I am in UK for one week from 10th Sept to 18th Sept in Norfolk visiting family and mother in law then on to Corfu for a few days, returning 25th to Dubai.We plan to retire back in UK and Greece but have a few more years to go yet!!Warm Wishes
Oenone Cox (nee Horton) 1929-1936 Thank you for the newsletter and I was impressed by the Schools many outside activities. I think ours consisted of an occasional Guide Rally and Hockey, Netball and Tennis match's with other Schools, the Annual drastic defeat by St Erbyn's Prep School's 2nd Eleven Cricket Team and the Cornwall Music Festival, with an occasional week in France organized by one of the Staff during the holidays. I was also very intrigued there are now so many Boarding Houses - only one at the end of the main building in my day though another house was bought soon afterwards and later sold for economic reasons. My family left Mawnan in 1946 and me to various Secretarial appointments in Hampshire, London Edinburgh and Hong Kong, plus the first 8 years married life in Nigeria. I rather lost tough with Penzance contacts after 1940 apart from Thelma Richards and Vivienne Speeding and any visits to Cornwall since 1970 were to friends in the Falmouth area. Thelma Cutler (nee Richards) married Beryl Cutler's brother Roger (who started his school in the Kindergarden and was ultimately Captain of the P & O Ship Canberra. Sadly they each died at the beginning and end of 2000, the year of their Diamond Wedding. Thelma and Beryl both joined the Kindergarden when the School was Penzance Church of England High School before it became the Woodard Corporation and left in 1936 after Form V1. Vivienne Sale (formerly Coakes) nee Speeding (1931 - 34) spent 14 years in Bermuda and Trinidad with her first husband then eventually settled with her second husband in Sussex and died there. It has been so interesting to see such an increase in numbers and wonderful achievements of former pupils. Rosalynd Morrellnee Thompson. ,At present not working but a mother to my two children, Max(age4) and Beatrix(age3) Unfortunately I have not been able to attend any reunions up to now but now I am living relatively closer, I look forward to the opportunity to becoming more involved. Patience
Cooper (nee Gunther) Thank you for the old girls newsletter and the
Herald. Although I have not visited Cornwall and the School for some years
I like to see how the School is doing and read the news from old girls.My
time at St Clare's was 1963 to 1971. It was a happy experience and I am
sorry I have not kept in touch with more of my contempories. I am in touch
with Elizabeth Eva ( nee Haynes), Angela Wills (nee Withers), Carol Trebucq
(nee Atkins), Cynthia Lambert (nee Jarvis) and Penny Warwick. Unfortunately
the years go by with Christmas cards exchanged but a peculiar inertia
regarding meeting up. Perhaps with 5 contacts (and I know Elizabeth is
also in contact with Shana Simpson) we have the basis for trying for a
reunion!I am a Vet, married to a Vet and we have a Veterinary Practice
in Hastings Chair
Thompson, nee Hinton :Have just been browsing your website -- fascinating
as there were quite a few names I remembered !My name is Clair Thompson
nee Hinton , I am Australian , however lived in England in 1959 and 1960
during which time my sister , Cherry , and I attended St Clares -- had
a wonderful time . Sally Gibbons was in my class -- I enjoyed seeing the
photos , also reading news of Marlene Casley -- Cordelia Briscoe, Julia
Mawditt , Briar Stower and I shared a room when we first arrived and made
me very welcome -- lots of laughs . So interested to read about Sally
Truscott -- also Miss Crankshaw ( who told us to go M Elizabeth Brendon-Cook - I thoroughly enjoyed my school life. I was a boarder and took full advantage of extra sport and clubs. Retirement in exceedingly busy, grandchildren to look after sometimes, encouraging sport and music and academic progress. We visit our daughter and family in Western Australia as often as possible. Lesley Young (Morrison) Divorced. 3 children - 4 grand children. I am very involved in my eldest son's family business golf holidays. Edith Morgan (nee Snell) Managed a ten day visit to Cornwall in June. Stayed with cousin in St Austell area (home patch)! Mary Newing: Appointed MBE in 1997. Retired as editor Dental Practice 2007. Now part-time executive editor. The Dental Web. 2007 Eastman Fellowship in Dental Surgery. Winnter Outstanding Achievement category of The dental Awards 2008. British Dental Association Roll of Distrinction to honour outstanding services to UK Dentistry.